The Data Base
The data base correlating references and aircraft is generated
with FileMaker Pro and uses the following conventions to limit the size
of the data base, and especially the resulting PFD-file.
- Fokker aircraft are designated by the (factory) type name or Fokker project number.
- Koolhoven aircraft are designated by the FK number or by [Koolhoven + project number]
- Pander, de Schelde, van Berkel and Spyker are designated by the factory name plus the factory type name or project number.
In a number of cases the type name is followed by the engine type to dustinguish between different versions.
Again, to limit the size of the data base, abbreviations are used.
- For the aircraft type: amph. = amphybian, fl. = float, fl. boat = flying boat, = ....plane
- For the function: adv. = advanced, pass. = passenger, pl. = plane, proj. project, proto = prototype, reconn. = reconnaissance, torp. = torpedo
- For the engine type: A-S = Armstrong-Siddeley, Br. = Bristol, Cont. = Continental, Cur. = Curtiss, D Merc. = Daimler Mercedes, G&R = Gnome & Rhone, H-S = Hispano Suiza, Le R. = Le Rhone, Lib. = Liberty, Lor. = Lorraine, Lyc. = Lycoming, Merc. = Mercedes, Nap. = Napier, Ob. = Oberursel, P&W = Pratt & Whitney, R-R = Rolls-Royce, S-H = Siemens-Halske, Wr. = Wright
Reference numbers are the same as those used in the list of references.
No attempt is made to make data consistent; reported values are those
found in the references; data have only been converted to IS units. The data base is available as an Excel spreadsheet.